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Puls Power Supplies |Distributor | PT.Felcro Indonesia
Update Terakhir
08 / 10 / 2022
Minimum Pembelian
0 Biji
Dilihat Sebanyak
70 Kali
+ Keranjang
PT. Felcro Indonesia is located at South Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia - one of the most dynamic and fastest growing regions in the world. It was established in 2001 with objective of providing total solution from sales of industrial products and genuine parts, The strategic alliance has been offering services throughout Indonesia and surely be gaining a strong foothold on the market and grab the leadership position. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at sales@ or call us at : + 62 21 2934 9568 or Hotlines : 081-8790679 Email : sales@
PT. Felcro Indonesia
PT. Felcro Indonesia adalah distributor resmi di Indonesia untuk produk-produk elektrikal, elektronik, mekanikal dan kontrol yang disuplai ke industri-industri diseluruh wilayah Indonesia. Jika Anda membutuhkan barang tersebut silahkan segera hubungi kami untuk dibantu oleh team kami dengan senang hati.
Hormat kami, PT. Felcro Indonesia
Hormat kami, PT. Felcro Indonesia
Premium Gold
11 Tahun
Tempo Scan Tower 32nd Floor, Jl. Hr Rasuna Said Kav 3-4 - Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia -12950
Login Terakhir 26 / 12 / 2024