Pelatihan Hulu - Pemetaan Pertanian dan Perkebunan
Update Terakhir
09 / 12 / 2019
Minimum Pembelian
1 Set
Dilihat Sebanyak
104 Kali
+ Keranjang
Spesifikasi Pelatihan Hulu - Pemetaan Pertanian dan Perkebunan
Cari berbagai macam dari pilihan terlengkap Pemetaan Pertanian dan Perkebunan. Cari penawaran terbaik dan termurah dari supplier terlengkap di Indonetwork.
Pelatihan Hulu
1. Memahami dan membuat Key Performance Pra Panen (inventarisir alat dan infrastruktur produksi, Mapping Cluster, Pembibitan, Pemupukan, Pemangkasan, Penanggulangan gulma dan hama)
2. Membuat Key Performace Indicator Pasca Panen (Tracebility/Ketelusuran Sumber Kopi, Log/catatan olahan proses, Log/catatan Penjemuran)
3. Sortasi dan Greenbean Grading (SNI Kopi dan menghitung cacat kopi) & Standar Mutu
4. Penyimpanan Kopi HS, Penyimpanan Kopi beras/ Greenbean, Control kadar air dalam bentuk greenbean, pengemasan kopi mutu eksport & Pengolahan Limbah Kopi.
5. Luasan wilayah dan pemahaman Perkebunan
6. Prasarana infrastruktur
7. Fasilitas Perkebunan
Pm for detail
[email protected]
1. Memahami dan membuat Key Performance Pra Panen (inventarisir alat dan infrastruktur produksi, Mapping Cluster, Pembibitan, Pemupukan, Pemangkasan, Penanggulangan gulma dan hama)
2. Membuat Key Performace Indicator Pasca Panen (Tracebility/Ketelusuran Sumber Kopi, Log/catatan olahan proses, Log/catatan Penjemuran)
3. Sortasi dan Greenbean Grading (SNI Kopi dan menghitung cacat kopi) & Standar Mutu
4. Penyimpanan Kopi HS, Penyimpanan Kopi beras/ Greenbean, Control kadar air dalam bentuk greenbean, pengemasan kopi mutu eksport & Pengolahan Limbah Kopi.
5. Luasan wilayah dan pemahaman Perkebunan
6. Prasarana infrastruktur
7. Fasilitas Perkebunan
Pm for detail
[email protected]
Griya Kebraon Barat 13 CD 17 Surabaya 60222 - East Java - Indonesia
Contact : Yuanita Rachma
[email protected]
Mobile Phone
Office : +628113141979
Private :+6281231259116
Whatsapp :
We are coffee green bean Retailer and Wholesaler for local and export market, established since 2012.
Our coffee bean mainly from Sumatera, Java & East Indonesia region, origin i.e. Gayo, Mandheling, Java, Bali, Toraja, Flores & Papua, etc.
We are member of SCAI (Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia).
We cooperate and coordinate with Direct Farmer, Processor, Government Plantation (PTPN), Local Economic Community (Koperasi/KUD) from Gayo to Papua, until now we grow together as a great team with the farmer to produce amazing coffee greenbean (from seed in Plantation - Produces - Process Post Harvest Management - Pulping - Coffee Drying Management - Hulling - Sorting - Keeping Stock Management) and it will be great honor for us to be your partner in supplying the bean that you need.
Our Precious Coffee
Our idea is Great Coffee for Everyone. We are directly from farmer to another across Indonesia, convince them that Indonesia Coffee not only merely consumption but also heartedly part of passion and somehow bring people to sit together to enjoy and experience the true taste of Indonesia Coffee.
We already sent our Coffee recently
2022 to United Stated of America (August), Argentina (July), Paraguay (August), Switzerland (July, April), Japan (March);
2021 Hamburg-Germany (February), Saudi Arabia (November), Japan, United Stated of America and regularly to Malaysia.
Thank you for your kind attention and consider our company profile. Kindly don't hesitate for any question about Quotation and Indonesian Coffee. Feel free for contacting me.
Kind Regards,
House of Coffee Barista ID
"Coffee Journey"
Griya Kebraon Barat 13 CD 17 Surabaya 60222 - East Java - Indonesia
Contact : Yuanita Rachma
[email protected]
Mobile Phone
Office : +628113141979
Private :+6281231259116
Whatsapp :
We are coffee green bean Retailer and Wholesaler for local and export market, established since 2012.
Our coffee bean mainly from Sumatera, Java & East Indonesia region, origin i.e. Gayo, Mandheling, Java, Bali, Toraja, Flores & Papua, etc.
We are member of SCAI (Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia).
We cooperate and coordinate with Direct Farmer, Processor, Government Plantation (PTPN), Local Economic Community (Koperasi/KUD) from Gayo to Papua, until now we grow together as a great team with the farmer to produce amazing coffee greenbean (from seed in Plantation - Produces - Process Post Harvest Management - Pulping - Coffee Drying Management - Hulling - Sorting - Keeping Stock Management) and it will be great honor for us to be your partner in supplying the bean that you need.
Our Precious Coffee
Our idea is Great Coffee for Everyone. We are directly from farmer to another across Indonesia, convince them that Indonesia Coffee not only merely consumption but also heartedly part of passion and somehow bring people to sit together to enjoy and experience the true taste of Indonesia Coffee.
We already sent our Coffee recently
2022 to United Stated of America (August), Argentina (July), Paraguay (August), Switzerland (July, April), Japan (March);
2021 Hamburg-Germany (February), Saudi Arabia (November), Japan, United Stated of America and regularly to Malaysia.
Thank you for your kind attention and consider our company profile. Kindly don't hesitate for any question about Quotation and Indonesian Coffee. Feel free for contacting me.
Kind Regards,
House of Coffee Barista ID
"Coffee Journey"
Premium Gold
12 Tahun
OperasionalBuka Senin - Sabtu 10.00 - 17.00 / Open Monday - Saturday 10am - 5pm | Tutup Minggu dan Hari Libur Nasional / Closed Sunday and Public Holiday |House Of Coffee @Barista_ID +6281231259116 | Griya Kebraon Barat 13 CD no. 17 Surabaya (Samping Menara Masjid Madina Luhur) - Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia -60222
Login Terakhir 06 / 10 / 2023