Harga Jual Glasswool Rockwool AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA 007
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Spesifikasi Harga Jual Glasswool Rockwool AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA 007
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Harga Jual Glasswool Rockwool AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA 007
'Glasswool AGRO''_ Kami adalah suplayer Glasswool,.. MENJUAL/MENSUPLAY Glasswool isolasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan anda dengan harga yang istimewa. Material ; Terdiri dari campuran alami vulkanik Batu Diabas, replant air aditif(tahan penyerapan air), kena air cepat kering, aman dari jamur,bakteri.Tahan api/tidak mudah terbakar,tahan suhu panas samapi 1000C tanpa meleleh.Glasswool tahan lama,permeabel,hidropobik,dimensi stabil & tidak sensitif terhadap fluktuasi suhu.Glasswool dirancang khusus & direkayasa sebagai isolasi termal untuk aplikasi perumahan,komersial,industri,kontruksi.Ada pun produk yang kami tawarkan mempunyai kelebihan, diantaranya ; ringan,mudah dibawa,anti api/tidak mudah terbakar,cepat mudah pemasangannya,mengurangi polusi udara dan sesuai denga yang anda butuhkan. Aplikasi ; Atap gudang atau pabrik sebagai peredam panas dan peredam suara bising ketika huujan,studio music,karaoke,peredam ruangan genset, dan lain lain.Berikut Penawaran Produk kami:
1. Hot Isolasi:
- Rockwool (Roll, Lembar, Pipa)
- Glasswool (Roll, Lembar)
- Keramik Fiber (Roll, Lembar)
- Kalsium Silikat (Lembar, Pipa)
- Asbes
2. Dingin Isolasi:
- Styrofoam (Lembar, Pipa)
- Polyurethane (Lembar, Pipa)
- Karet Isolasi (Lembar, Pipa Merk: Armaflek & K-flek)
- Glasswool (Roll, Lembar)
3. Bangunan Ins. :
- Glasswool (Roll, Lembar)
- Aluminium Foil S / S Dan D / S
- Tape Aluminium
- Spindle Pin
4. AC Isolasi:
- Fleksibel Duct Isolasi / Non Isolasi
- Glasswool (Roll, Lembar)
- Tape Metalizing
- Seng BJLS
- Glasscloth
- Spindle pin
Silakan kirim permintaan anda ke EMAIL ; [email protected] AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA PHONE. 0313989496, 082129847777 FAX. 031 3980197,
UPDATE ON : 31 januari 2020
#Harga Jual Glasswool Rockwool
'Glasswool AGRO''_ Kami adalah suplayer Glasswool,.. MENJUAL/MENSUPLAY Glasswool isolasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan anda dengan harga yang istimewa. Material ; Terdiri dari campuran alami vulkanik Batu Diabas, replant air aditif(tahan penyerapan air), kena air cepat kering, aman dari jamur,bakteri.Tahan api/tidak mudah terbakar,tahan suhu panas samapi 1000C tanpa meleleh.Glasswool tahan lama,permeabel,hidropobik,dimensi stabil & tidak sensitif terhadap fluktuasi suhu.Glasswool dirancang khusus & direkayasa sebagai isolasi termal untuk aplikasi perumahan,komersial,industri,kontruksi.Ada pun produk yang kami tawarkan mempunyai kelebihan, diantaranya ; ringan,mudah dibawa,anti api/tidak mudah terbakar,cepat mudah pemasangannya,mengurangi polusi udara dan sesuai denga yang anda butuhkan. Aplikasi ; Atap gudang atau pabrik sebagai peredam panas dan peredam suara bising ketika huujan,studio music,karaoke,peredam ruangan genset, dan lain lain.Berikut Penawaran Produk kami:
1. Hot Isolasi:
- Rockwool (Roll, Lembar, Pipa)
- Glasswool (Roll, Lembar)
- Keramik Fiber (Roll, Lembar)
- Kalsium Silikat (Lembar, Pipa)
- Asbes
2. Dingin Isolasi:
- Styrofoam (Lembar, Pipa)
- Polyurethane (Lembar, Pipa)
- Karet Isolasi (Lembar, Pipa Merk: Armaflek & K-flek)
- Glasswool (Roll, Lembar)
3. Bangunan Ins. :
- Glasswool (Roll, Lembar)
- Aluminium Foil S / S Dan D / S
- Tape Aluminium
- Spindle Pin
4. AC Isolasi:
- Fleksibel Duct Isolasi / Non Isolasi
- Glasswool (Roll, Lembar)
- Tape Metalizing
- Seng BJLS
- Glasscloth
- Spindle pin
Silakan kirim permintaan anda ke EMAIL ; [email protected] AGRO INDUSTRI SURABAYA PHONE. 0313989496, 082129847777 FAX. 031 3980197,
UPDATE ON : 31 januari 2020
#Harga Jual Glasswool Rockwool
Berikut Penawaran kami :
1. Hot & Cold Insulation 2. Roofing 3. Fire proofing 4. Sound proofing 5. Duckting AC Adapun material yang kami supply :
1. Hot Insulation : - Rockwool ( Roll, Lembar, Pipa ) - Glasswool ( Roll, Lembar ) - Ceramic Fiber ( Roll, Lembar ) - Calsium Silicate ( Lembar, Pipa ) - Asbestos
2. Cold Insulation : - Styrofoam ( Lembar, Pipa ) - Polyurethane ( Lembar, Pipa ) - Rubber Insulation ( Lembar, Pipa Merk : Armaflek & K-flek ) - Glasswool ( Roll, Lembar )
3. Building Ins. : - Roofmesh - Glasswool ( Roll, Lembar ) - Aluminium Foil S/ S dan D/ S - Aluminium Tape - Spindle Pin
4. AC Insulation : - Flexible Duct Isolasi / Non Isolasi - Glasswool ( Roll, Lembar ) - Metalizing Tape - Seng BJLS - Glasscloth - Spindle pin Glasswool ( Glass Wool) blanket: The blanket is suitable for acoustic and thermal insulation in tall building, also for refrigeration, air condition machinery room, etc., with properties of good flexibility and installation convenient.
Glasswool Board/ Block/ Slab: Fiberglass wool board is suitable for fireproof, acoustic and thermal insulation in tall building, also for refrigeration, air condition machinery room, etc., with properties of good load-bearing, light weight, low thermal conductivity, non-combustible and chemical stability. Glasswool Pipe Cover: Glasswool pipe covers are suitable for thermal insulation of steam lines, hot water or hot oil lines, also insulation for refrigerating lines.
* Glasswool ( Glass Wool) blanket: o The blanket is suitable for acoustic and thermal insulation in tall building, also for refrigeration, air condition machinery room, etc., with properties of good flexibility and installation convenient.
* Spec.:
1. Resin bond content: 3 ~ 8 % * 2. Density: 16 kg/ m3, 20 kg/ m3, 24 kg/ m3, 32 kg/ m3 * 3. Thermal conductivity ( 705C) : 0.042 ~ 0.049 w/ m.k * Subject to density and thickness *
4. Average acoustic absorptivity: 0.8 ~ 1.1 * Subject to density, thickness and frequency *
5. Max. service temperature: 300C *
6. Average fibre diameter:
Features: * Availability: o Length x Width: 1200 X 600 mm / 2400 X 1200mm * Thickness: 25 ~ 100mm
Glasswool Pipe Cover: + Glasswool pipe covers are suitable for thermal insulation of steam lines, hot water or hot oil lines, also insulation for refrigerating lines.
Spec.: + 1. Density: 48 ~ 96 kg/ m3 o 5. Max. service temperature: 300C o 2. Thermal conductivity ( GB/ T13350-92) : 0.045 ~ 0.032 o w/ m.k o 4. Average acoustic absorptivity: 0.8 ( 500-4000 HZ) o 5. Average fibre diameter: 4.0~ 6.0m o 6.
Water repellent ( ) :
Best Regards
Berikut Penawaran kami :
1. Hot & Cold Insulation 2. Roofing 3. Fire proofing 4. Sound proofing 5. Duckting AC Adapun material yang kami supply :
1. Hot Insulation : - Rockwool ( Roll, Lembar, Pipa ) - Glasswool ( Roll, Lembar ) - Ceramic Fiber ( Roll, Lembar ) - Calsium Silicate ( Lembar, Pipa ) - Asbestos
2. Cold Insulation : - Styrofoam ( Lembar, Pipa ) - Polyurethane ( Lembar, Pipa ) - Rubber Insulation ( Lembar, Pipa Merk : Armaflek & K-flek ) - Glasswool ( Roll, Lembar )
3. Building Ins. : - Roofmesh - Glasswool ( Roll, Lembar ) - Aluminium Foil S/ S dan D/ S - Aluminium Tape - Spindle Pin
4. AC Insulation : - Flexible Duct Isolasi / Non Isolasi - Glasswool ( Roll, Lembar ) - Metalizing Tape - Seng BJLS - Glasscloth - Spindle pin Glasswool ( Glass Wool) blanket: The blanket is suitable for acoustic and thermal insulation in tall building, also for refrigeration, air condition machinery room, etc., with properties of good flexibility and installation convenient.
Glasswool Board/ Block/ Slab: Fiberglass wool board is suitable for fireproof, acoustic and thermal insulation in tall building, also for refrigeration, air condition machinery room, etc., with properties of good load-bearing, light weight, low thermal conductivity, non-combustible and chemical stability. Glasswool Pipe Cover: Glasswool pipe covers are suitable for thermal insulation of steam lines, hot water or hot oil lines, also insulation for refrigerating lines.
* Glasswool ( Glass Wool) blanket: o The blanket is suitable for acoustic and thermal insulation in tall building, also for refrigeration, air condition machinery room, etc., with properties of good flexibility and installation convenient.
* Spec.:
1. Resin bond content: 3 ~ 8 % * 2. Density: 16 kg/ m3, 20 kg/ m3, 24 kg/ m3, 32 kg/ m3 * 3. Thermal conductivity ( 705C) : 0.042 ~ 0.049 w/ m.k * Subject to density and thickness *
4. Average acoustic absorptivity: 0.8 ~ 1.1 * Subject to density, thickness and frequency *
5. Max. service temperature: 300C *
6. Average fibre diameter:
Features: * Availability: o Length x Width: 1200 X 600 mm / 2400 X 1200mm * Thickness: 25 ~ 100mm
Glasswool Pipe Cover: + Glasswool pipe covers are suitable for thermal insulation of steam lines, hot water or hot oil lines, also insulation for refrigerating lines.
Spec.: + 1. Density: 48 ~ 96 kg/ m3 o 5. Max. service temperature: 300C o 2. Thermal conductivity ( GB/ T13350-92) : 0.045 ~ 0.032 o w/ m.k o 4. Average acoustic absorptivity: 0.8 ( 500-4000 HZ) o 5. Average fibre diameter: 4.0~ 6.0m o 6.
Water repellent ( ) :
Best Regards
Premium Gold
14 Tahun
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