Fixed UFH Wireless KTV Microphone KTV-3100S

Update Terakhir
20 / 12 / 2019
Minimum Pembelian
1 Set
Dilihat Sebanyak
75 Kali

Rp. 1.900.000  


+ Keranjang


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Spesifikasi Fixed UFH Wireless KTV Microphone KTV-3100S

Cari berbagai macam dari pilihan terlengkap Mikrofon. Cari penawaran terbaik dan termurah dari supplier terlengkap di Indonetwork.
* LCD display shows clear working status.
* Digital volume control system.light touch button with simple setup
* Built-in recharging circuit makes battery charging convenient.
* LCD shows the battery charging status.
* Easy installation on the wall.
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is an Indonesian Company . It is located in Jakarta, Indonesia, specialized in R& D and manufacture of electronic products including Public Address & Communication System, touchscreen for Computer system dan Karaoke player, Digital Wireless conference system, Multi-functional digital conference system, Voting system, Simultaneous Interpretation system, professional wireless microphone, audio Mixer, Equilizer, Ampliifer, Professional LoundSpeaker, teaching loud speaker, portabel wireless PA system,Wireless Vehicle system; Integrated TV/ Computer, etc..., . We also own and operate mould manufactory. BE has built up its own management system from design to the after-sale service and has gained the ISO 9000 Certificate. For these years, BE has established its reputation in the global market for its top quality products with reliable performance capability., a good Brand: ANYSONG, VPK, CARSBRO and ICM; give you a good sound enjoy!
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Jl.Pinangsia Raya Glodok Plaza Lt1 No.35 Jakarta Barat,Indonesia - Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia -11180
Login Terakhir 22 / 09 / 2019